Publishing Rules


Researchers wishing to publish their research in this journal must ensure that their production complies with the journal rules of publication in form and content. These rules are as follows:

1- The research to be published in the journal is new and has not been previously published in another journal or previous conference.  

2- It is possible to accept and publish researches written in foreign languages ​​in the fields of specialization to which the journal is concerned, according to the set rules of publication and arbitration in the journal.

3- The research is required to follow the recognized scientific principles of scientific research in terms of planning, documentation, margins, sources, references, attachments, and illustrations.  

4- Research papers should be printed on a computer (14 flaps) with a double space between the lines, and a margin of no less than three centimeters on all sides of the page, on A4 size paper, in addition to a soft copy on a CD. 

5- Research papers are sent in the name of the professor/editor-in-chief of the journal to the address of the college. The title of the research should be written on the first page, followed by the name of the researcher, his academic rank, his workplace, and finally his mail address and e-mail consecutively.

6-  A complete and accurate summary of the research (within ten lines) shall be attached to the research (Arabic, English or French) as well as a summary in Arabic if it is written in a foreign language, or in English if it is written in Arabic.  

7- The submitted research papers are subject to arbitration according to the system followed by the journal. The research is sent without mentioning the name of the researcher to two arbitrators - professors or assistant professors- from inside or outside the college/university. The field of specialization of the arbitrator should be taken into account, and should accurately coincide with the field of specialization of the research.

8- A report addressed to the editor-in-chief on the suitability of the research for publication in the journal will be sent within two weeks or a month at most as of date of receipt of the research.

9- The research becomes acceptable for publication, and shall be published in the first issue of the journal if the two arbitrators jointly agree to accept it for publication without modification.  If the two arbitrators or one of them think that the research needs modifications, the research is returned to its owner for such purpose. Modifications should be made  in good time before date of publication. If one of the arbitrators sees that the research is acceptable for publication and the other sees otherwise, the research is returned to the editor-in-chief to decide on the matter based on the justifications mentioned by each arbitrator in his report.  

10- If the research is not accepted by both arbitrators and the arbitration board, the journal sends a letter of apology to the researcher together with a report that explains the reasons behind such decision. The amount  of money previously paid by the researcher is also returned, except for the arbitration fees and  postage.

11- If the researcher decides to withdraw the research that he submitted for publication, for reasons of his own, the research will be returned to him. The amount of money paid by the researcher will also be returned minus the registration fees in accordance with the applicable financial regulations of the journal.  

12- The original copies of the works submitted to the journal shall not be returned, whether they are accepted for publication or not.  

13- With the appearance of the issue that includes the research, the journal sends (10) extracts of off-prints to the researcher, together with a free copy of the issue that includes the research.  

14- The views and opinions contained in the scientific research published in the  journal are the sole intellectual property of its author. The journal does not  bear the slightest responsibility for such views and opinions.  

15- The researcher provides a brief resume of his academic history, general and precise specialization, as well as his scientific interests by way of introducing himself to the readers of the journal.

16- Research papers are published in the journal according to the priority of their receipt after undergoing the final editing process prior to publication.

17- The journal's electronic issue service can be provided through a CD, according to the cost price.  

18- The magazine also welcomes the publication of reviews of  Arabic and foreign books issued  three years  prior to the issuance of the issue of the journal in which the reviews would appear. The size of the review should not exceed five pages of A4 size, taking into account all the conditions and rules for publication in the journal   

19- A special edition may be issued for scientific conferences and symposia organized by the college.

20- A copy of the journal is given free of charge to colleges and research centers inside or outside the Arab Republic of Egypt.  This is decided upon by the editorial board of the journal.

21- Two copies of each edition are sent to the Library of Alexandria, and the College Library, the Alexandria University Central Library .  All publishing rights are reserved for the journal in whichever way the board of directors deems appropriate, whether it is printed, electronic or any other form, with sufficient protection through the college website.