Faculty Of Education

  • Faculty of Education Alexandria University
    Faculty of Education Alexandria University

    Faculty of Education Alexandria University

  • Faculty of Education Alexandria University
    Faculty of Education Alexandria University

    Faculty of Education Alexandria University


Dean Word

I would like to welcome you to the Faculty of Education, University of Alexandria, wishing you a pleasant and useful scientific study. I would like you to take your responsibilities towards the faculty, which is to maintain the terraces, halls and laboratories prepared for you. The preservation of this is an indication of your loyalty to this faculty. Note that you are the generations of the future, the bright, and the knowledgeable.

The faculty is placed in your hands (the student's guide) to familiarize you with the programs offered by the faculty as well as the departments. In addition to learning about the moral values ​​and the university norms governing the organization of university life to raise your awareness of the rights and duties, and I appeal to you - my sons and daughters - the need to read and understand this guide carefully to know the nature of the study in each department to improve the selection of the department that meets your ambitions Future.

With sincere calls for excellence and success

Dean of the Faculty of Education

No. Name From To
1 Prof. Dr./ Ali Elwy Shaltout 4/10/1969 31/7/1973
2 Prof. Dr./ Saad Diab Kandil 29/9/1973 17/10/1977
3 Prof. Dr./ Ibrahim Wagih Mahmoud 18/10/1977 23/8/1982
4 Prof. Dr./ Mohamed Helmy El Meligy 1/9/1982 21/8/1986
 5 Prof. Dr./ Abdel Fattah Ahmed Hagaag 7/10/1986  13/9/1994 
 6  Prof. Dr./ Samir Ahmed Abou Ali 15/9/1994  14/9/1997 
 7 Prof. Dr./ Mohamed Youssef Hassan  1/8/1998  31/7/2004 
 8  Prof. Dr./ Shebl Badran El Gharib  30/8/2004 31/7/2010 
 9  Prof. Dr./ Mohamed Esmaeil Abel Maksoud   1/8/2010  31/7/2014
 10  Prof. Dr./ Maha Ali Hassan   27/10/2014 26/10/2017 
 11  Prof. Dr./ Mohamed Anwar IIbrahim Farrag  2/1/2018  


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the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, is an educational and research institution. It prepares and configures the thinker, the continuous researcher, the collaborator, the lifelong learner, the leader of change, and the owner of the moral vision based on the highest international quality standards, and a center for activities that stimulate sustainable human development and build people in the field of education and education, in a way that qualifies them for excellence and competition at the local level Regional and international.


The Faculty of Education - Alexandria University prepares distinguished cadres of pre-university education teachers who are aware of their mission, capable of creativity and competition in light of the economy of supply and demand, and their professional development during service, and preparing educational researchers who are able to develop knowledge and employ it in solving educational problems and upgrading Continuing the educational field, developing education and its policies at all levels, and providing specialized technical services and consultations through units of a special nature in the college in order to contribute to achieving sustainable development of society


1 - Developing the education and learning system and creating an educational environment compatible with Egypt's strategic vision 2030

2 - Making a qualitative shift in teacher preparation programs in line with the supply and demand economy and contemporary scientific and technological change

3-Developing the system of graduate studies and scientific research in light of competition trends and upgrading its qualitative and quantitative outputs.

4- Developing the community services system and contributing to solving community problems.

5. Developing the student evaluation system to reflect modern trends in evaluation.

6- Developing administrative capabilities and developing self-resources in a way that achieves the vision and mission of the college

7- Establishing the college's quality system and obtaining accreditation

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